Dear E, Love Mommy

Dear E,

I know Daddy usually writes these letters to you but I couldn’t help myself today. I am writing this as I sit down by the ocean and I watch you boogie board for the first time. E, you truly are one amazing kid. Just yesterday, I bought you your first boogie board and today you are already riding the waves. Your sense of determination is awe-inspiring; I couldn’t believe how you pushed yourself to bring the boogie board into the ocean on just your first day with it. You have grown into such a strong, independent young little man. I am so proud to be able to call myself your Mommy.

Last week, on a trip to Adventureland with some friends, you showed me again how wonderful you really are. You played a carnival game and won not one, but two prizes. You came back to our group and, instead of bragging about your prizes and showing them off, you immediately walked over to your friend who didn’t have a prize and you gave her one of yours. There were no questions, no tears, no tantrums; you just showed pure generosity and compassion.

The world we live in reminds me constantly of the evil and mean spirits that embody so many people. You, E, are the exception. Please don’t ever lose your smile and your contagious charm. Don’t ever lose your swagger and the pep in your step. Be true to yourself. If you want to play soccer or dress up in a sparkly tutu, go ahead and do it. If you want to build Star Wars Lego models, do it. If you want a manicure then we’re damn well going to get you one and a pink or purple shirt to go with it. I hope you never lose sight of the joy and happiness that encompass your life.

You finished camp last week and I was a bit ambivalent about having both you and S home with me for more than two weeks. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised. Sure, you’re six, and you’ve done your fair share of annoying S (and Daddy and me), but, honestly, these weeks we’ve been together have been amazing. Daddy has been at work most days and we’ve missed him, but being together, just the three of us, has been wonderful. Watching you and S play and interact is magical. I can only hope that your love and devotion for S continues as you both get older. I know it isn’t always easy – she is two, after all – but your patience and care with her take my breath away. The commitment you and S share for one another has filled my heart with an immense amount of happiness and I hope you both continue to cherish and develop your relationship.


Okay, maybe I take it all back; you just went to buy yourself some ice cream and, instead of coming back quietly, you snuck up behind my chair and yelled “Boo!” You scared me and woke up your sister. E: 1; Mommy and S: 0.

I’m just kidding. In all seriousness, E, I love you with all of my heart. I am so proud of the boy you have become and the man I know you will be when you get older. I can’t wait to continue going on this journey with you and watching you grow. It may not always be easy, but I hope you always remember that Daddy, S and I are right there to support and love you, no matter what challenges you face along the way.

I love you lots and lots, always and forever and more than all the stars in the sky and raindrops in the ocean.

Love, Mommy

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